About the Carpinteria Salt Marsh

Light-footed clapper rail. Pacific Southwest Region USFWS, Creative Commons License.

The 230-acre Carpinteria Salt Marsh is one of the last of its kind in California. With the rise in demand for beach-side property, many of these marshes have been paved over. These vital ecosystems are now few and far between, and need our help!

These unique ecosystems provide a haven for migratory birds, a hunting ground for fishing birds, a nursery for fishes, and a home to a diversity of plants and animals that rely on it.

The marsh supports a number of endangered and threatened species like Salt Marsh Bird's-Beak, Coulter's Goldfields, and Belding's savanna sparrow. There are even plans in the works to reintroduce the Light-footed clapper rail, which has been on the endangered species list since the 1970's and only lives in salt marshes along the coast between Santa Barbara and San Quintin Bay in Baja California.

About Our Project to Eradicate European Sea Lavender (_Limonium duriusculum_)

CIR is working to eradicate invasive European Sea Lavender from the Carpinteria Salt Marsh. This plant has the potential to displace our native marsh plants like California Sea Lavender (Limonium californicum) or the endangered Salt Marsh Bird's-Beak (Chloropyron maritima spp. maritima). Displacing these plants and all other native plants would greatly diminish the habitat quality of the marsh.

Simply put, different animals rely on a variety different plant species to survive, so if only European sea lavender was present, only a few animal species would be able to benefit from the marsh.

In order to maintain the quality, diversity, and biological integrity of the marsh, we need to remove European sea lavender before it's too late.


What to Expect as a Volunteer

The Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve is not open to the public, so you'll get to see the marsh in a way that few others have. We will tromp through the marsh to reach clusters of the European sea lavender and then get to work pulling the plants up by hand and placing them in bags so they don't resprout in the marsh. All the while, you'll get to know the unique plants and animals that call the marsh home.


What to wear
Wear long pants, rain boots to mid-calf or higher (we have a limited number available, contact us to reserve in advance), a hat, and sunscreen.
What to bring
Bring two filled water bottles, a snack, and extra sun screen in case you'd like to reapply it. CIR will have extra water and snacks to keep you hydrated and energized!
Where to meet
We will email you the location of where to meet after you RSVP.

Our Carp Marsh Work is in the News!

In Defense of Natives: CIR Works to Protect the Carpinteria Salt Marsh
by CoastalView.com

"Channel Islands Restoration staff and volunteers have started work on a four-year project to eradicate the European sea lavender by hand. Fortunately, the plant is fairly easy to pull-out, roots and all, by hand."
Read more 

Controlling Invasive Sea Lavender in the Carpinteria Salt Marsh
by the California Invasive Plant Council (cal-ipc.org)

"One of the top invasive plant threats to the marsh is European sea lavender (Limonium duriusculum), which is one of the few plants that can displace native plant species in salt marsh habitat."
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