About CIR — Channel Islands Restoration

Our Mission

Channel Islands Restoration protects rare and endangered plants and animals by restoring habitat in sensitive and unique natural areas on the California Channel Islands and adjacent mainland. We educate a variety of groups about the value of native habitat and how to protect it.

We recruit volunteers and identify and develop public and private funding sources for habitat restoration programs. We create collaborative relationships within the environmental community.

CIR is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

TAX ID: 61-1463876

Channel Islands Restoration Logo

The protection, enhancement, & restoration of native habitat

CIR has restored habitat in sensitive and unique natural areas on the Channel Islands and adjacent mainland. We have helped protect rare and/or endangered native plant and animal species by restoring the natural habitat they depend on for survival.

Our habitat restoration work consists of the following:

  • Removing non-native plants through a variety of means.

  • Planting native plant species.

  • Recruiting volunteers for restoration programs.

  • Planning and managing our restoration programs.

CIR works closely with a network of government and nonprofit agencies to plan and carry out our habitat restoration and educational programs.

These agencies have included:
The Nature Conservancy
Channel Islands National Park
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Geological Survey
Western Ecological Research Center County of Santa Barbara
Agricultural Commissioners Office
University of California Natural Reserve System
The Santa Barbara Audubon Society.

Volunteers Clear Invasive Plants on East Anacapa Island - Following this, CIR installed erosion control netting and planted natives into small holes  cut into the net.

Volunteers Clear Invasive Plants on East Anacapa Island - Following this, CIR installed erosion control netting and planted natives into small holes cut into the net.

Public education concerning the value of native habitat restoration and protection

Education Through Experience - Field Project Manager Kevin Thompson instructs a middle school class on how to properly remove invasive ice plant.

Education Through Experience - Field Project Manager Kevin Thompson instructs a middle school class on how to properly remove invasive ice plant.

Channel Islands Restoration provides information to a variety of groups about the value of native habitat and how to protect it. We work with school and youth groups, local communities, staff, contactors, and concessionaires.

The following programs allow us to carry out our educational mission:

Field Work:

We provide a hands-on volunteer experiences to young people and the general public in some of the most unique natural areas in California. We’ve implemented multi-day trips to the Channel Islands, where volunteers gain a lasting impression of the value of native habitat and the science of habitat restoration. As part of these trips, volunteers view a PowerPoint presentation about the Channel Islands, including natural history, human history, and efforts to protect the islands.

Public Presentations:

CIR provides a variety of public PowerPoint presentations to community groups about habitat restoration and preventing the spread of non-native species to the Channel Islands. Audiences for these presentation have includes groups that otherwise would not receive this kind of information but have the potential to spread non-native species to the islands.

Literature Design:

CIR has designed flyers and brochures to educate visitors and staff members about preventing the spread of non-native species. We also produce a bi-annual newsletter to educate the public about our programs and the value of habitat restoration.

Publication On The Internet:

CIR maintains an extensive web page that provides educational information about the Channel Islands, habitat restoration, native species, and more.

Virtual Webinars:

CIR hosts virtual webinars that showcase our amazing community of environmental experts in geology, botany, ecology, restoration, conservation, and much more. All of our webinars events are free and available by visiting our webinar page.

Soliciting funds and volunteer support to further these purposes.

CIR Participates Each Year In the Santa Barbara Earth Day Celebration

CIR Participates Each Year In the Santa Barbara Earth Day Celebration

CIR helps develop public and private funding sources for habitat restoration programs. Development staff have identified funding needs and opportunities and have helped write and submit grants on behalf of our partner agencies.

CIR also maintains a database of hundreds of talented and dedicated volunteers. More than 350 of these volunteers have helped us perform habitat restoration work on the Channel Islands and on the mainland.

Learn more about volunteer opportunities.

Creating collaborative relationships within the environmental community

Channel Islands Restoration works closely with other organizations that share our goals of preserving and restoring the environment. We build partnerships between nonprofit and government agencies to carry out our mission.