We help prevent the spread of wildfire to properties in Santa Barbara, Ventura, and Los Angeles Counties.

At Channel Islands Restoration, our mission is to enhance wildfire resilience through effective land management and habitat restoration. With years of expertise, our services include weed abatement, strategic grazing, removal of invasive plants, creation of defensible space around properties, and integrating fire-wise strategies into landscapes.

One of our specialties is designing and installing fire-resistant native plants as part of fire-wise landscaping plans. These native plants play a dual role—reducing the risk of wildfire spread while fostering healthier, more resilient ecosystems that can endure future fires more effectively.

Wildfires are a growing concern for communities across Southern California, posing serious threats to property and our landscapes' natural beauty. However, you can proactively safeguard your property and support the environment by choosing native plants for your outdoor spaces.

Native plants not only add stunning aesthetics to your landscape but are also uniquely suited to California's climate and ecosystems. Many are naturally fire-resistant and durable, making them a smart choice for fire-safe landscaping. By incorporating native species, you can reduce fire risk, protect your property, and increase environmental biodiversity.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your property’s fire safety or restore its natural vibrancy, Channel Islands Restoration is here to guide you every step of the way. Together, we can create beautiful, sustainable landscapes while making a meaningful impact on wildfire mitigation. Contact us today to learn more about our services and take actionable steps toward creating a fire-resilient future.

our Fire-Wise Landscaping Services

We create and maintain defensible space around your property.

We select and plant fire-resistant California native plants.

We specialize in removing highly invasive plants like arundo donax.

We have a staff ecologist on each project to ensure habitat restoration.

We utilize strategic grazing tactics to reduce flammable grasses.

Maintenance is key to reducing fire risk and improving habitat quality.

Fire-Safe Landscaping Tips

Creating a wildfire-resistant garden takes some planning, but following these tips will help ensure your landscape provides both safety and beauty.

1. Avoid Any Direct Contact with Structures

Ensure that plants are not touching your home’s siding, windows, eaves, vents, or decks. This separation minimizes the chance of fire spreading to your home. Create defensible space by strategically placing plants at safe distances.

2. Choose Your Plants Wisely

Opt for low-growing plants and avoid plants with waxes, oils, or resins, as these materials make vegetation more flammable and release more heat when burned.

3. Integrate Slower Growing Plants

Slower-growing native plants accumulate less fuel over time, helping to lower the intensity of potential fires. They also require less frequent maintenance.

4. Schedule Proper Maintenance and Keep Plants Green

Proper irrigation, landscape maintenance, and thinning are key to reducing fire risk and improving habitat quality.

Sticky yellow monkey-flower and other native and drought tolerant perennials

Protecting Your Property

At Channel Islands Restoration, we’re passionate about creating landscapes that harmonize beauty, safety, and sustainability. Our team of experts specializes in fire-safe landscaping using California native plants. Whether you're a homeowner, property manager, or land developer, we’re here to consult you on designing a landscape that reduces wildfire risks and enhances your property.

Schedule a Consultation

Contact us today at (805) 448-5726 or to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a safer, greener future.

Some examples of fire-resistant native plants

Some of California’s native plants are beautiful and fire-resistant, making them a great option for landscaping. Below is a list of fire-resistant native plants, including their scientific names, as these are often referenced in nurseries.

Please Note: All plants can burn under the right conditions—there is no such thing as a completely fireproof plant. However, fire-resistant plants are capable of retaining moisture, even in dry conditions, which can help slow the spread of fire. This list focuses on California native fire-resistant plants that provide value to local wildlife. The goal is to help you choose plants that can replace brush-cleared areas without leaving them barren.


Hetereomeles arbutifolia

Common Yarrow
Achillea millefolium

California Lilac
Ceanothus ‘Concha’

Mahonia/ Barberry
Mahonia aquifolium

Guadalupe Island Rock Daisy
Perityle incana

Golden Currant
Ribes aureum

California Fuchsia
Zauschneria californica

Dwarf Coyote Bush
Baccharis piluaris


California Sycamore
Platanus racemosa

California Redbud
Cercis orbiculata

Isomeris arborea

Monkey Flower
Mimulus sp.

Lemonade Berry
Rhus integrifolia

Matilija Poppy
Romneya coulteri

Beach Carpet Saltbush
Atriplex barclayana

Wild Strawberry
Fragaria chilolensis or Fragaria vesca


Coast Live Oak
Quercus agrifolia

Island Bush Snapdragon
Galvezia speciosa

Nevin’s Barberry
Mahonia nevinii

Beard Tongue
Penstemon palmeri

Laurel Sumac
Rhus laurina

Common Snowberry
Symphoricarpos albus

Four-wing Saltbush
Atriplex canescens

Willowy Coyote Mint
Monardella linoides viminea